Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Goku and Chichi AMV

Here is my new amv,I loved to make it<333 its soooo cuteee.

here is my youtube channel link


Saturday, November 3, 2012

commenting=leaving your opinion

Hey guys,I want to know your opinion about my story.please leave a comment.<33

Monday, October 1, 2012

Little Preview of my next video≧ω≦♥

As the tittle says here is a very short preview of my next video, so if you liked it keep in touch! and wait until I finish it. working on 2 videos at time, prolly will take sometime.

Friday, September 28, 2012

My drawings

    Here are 2 of my drawings based on dragon ball! click read more!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Bulma Story - Chapter 3

Chichi is right! it's time to go home.I have to decide what to do with yamcha.

Wow, It's vegeta,he seems to be mad as usually, I should go there to try to cheer him up a little. :P

Bulma>Hello,Vegeta! how is your training in gravity chamber going? 

                                Vegeta>Hmph...What do you want woman? Of course its going great,Who do you think I am? I AM THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS!
Bulma>Calm down, your majesty! I was just trying to cheer you up!
                         Vegeta>Hmph...ok woman... good night I need to continue my training...
Ok, good night! The more you reject me the more I like you

Damn it, what is happening to me? That woman makes my heart race.

I'm starting to like Vegeta, that guy is actually kinda cute,all that mistery is very attractive

anyways it is time to sleep,tomorrow I will clarify everything with Yamcha.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Bulma Story - Chapter 2

I have to unload my anger.Die little dirty Yamchas with the power of this hammer. 

I have to go have some fun.I will ask chichi and goku to go out, and try to forget this cheater.

Chichi> Sure Let's go to the local restaurant. ( and they spent the rest of the night at the restaurant )

    (The day after) Bulma> I swear, I don't want to see his horrible face anymore.if I see him again anytime soon, I do not know what I can do to him.I surely am able of deform his face with slaps!. 

Chichi>Hey,hey! Bulma calm down,I believe that this will be solved, and everything will be ok again between you two.

Bulma>No,no! I do not believe, and I don't want to believe that, that will ever happen.   

Chichi>Ok, then you have to calm down, and move on.
Bulma>HELL YEAH!,you are right my friend.
Goku>Wait, What is going on? (yawns). 

end of 2nd chapter ...

click here for chapter 1

Thursday, September 13, 2012

here are some cute dragon ball pics for you to enjoy.I dont take any credits on them

Sunday, September 9, 2012

    here is some random sims 3 dragon ball pics                                                    

                                                         general blue
                                                       kids playing with peashotters
                                                      Piccolo and his gf xD
Here is Bulma and Vegeta on sims 3 ;O