Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bulma Story - Chapter 6


(3 day after - saturday night)
Bulma>Hey Vegeta, are you ready to go?What...?Oh my god, you aren't even dressed propertly  yet!
Vegeta>hmm,saiyans do not wear formal clothes,these are saiyans formal clothes,if you don't like I don't care at all.
Bulma>(angry face)uhhh...doesn't matter I guess,WE HAVE TO HURRY UP OR ELSE WE WILL BE LATEE!
Vegeta>Ok,No worries,we will get there faster then you think.
 Vegeta>(grabs Bulma violently)Let's go!
 Bulma>(screams)Hey what are you doing,put me down now!!!you can't treat me like this!
 Vegeta>oh woman ,calm yourself down,I said we will get there fast,so trust me,and enjoy the trip.

 (flying)Bulma>awwwww!!!Slow down
Vegeta>Shut up!We are almost there
Bulma>Don't ask me to shut up!!
 Bulma>Argg we are late...everybody is inside.I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT WE WERE GOING TO GET HERE FAST!
Vegeta>Oh c'mon!does that really matter?at least I got you here,and more I shouldn't be here so you should be glad!
Bulma>Yeah,Yeah let's go inside.

 end of the chapter 6...

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