Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bulma Story - Chapter 8


 (morning has come)
What a night,it was such a great time,and I even made Vegeta blush.That's already a great achievement,in my opinion.(smiles)I gotta call Chichi and tell her all this.

Damn it, Damn it,what is that woman thinking about!?!?
Trying to kiss me??Flirting??What the hell is this?
She is talking outside...I will go take a look. 

(tries to hide)Vegeta> - huh?? (low talks) what the hell is she saying?
Bulma>Hey chichi,how are you doin?
Chichi>hello,I'm fine.
Bulma>wait I'm hearing something in the bush...
Vegeta>What?!I...I'm not spying,I'm j..ust looking for something that I lost here in the bush.
I will look fo...or it later.(runs) 
Bulma>Yeah ok.
 Bulma>(laughs)can you believe it?He was spying me!
Chichi>(laughs)So what's new?
Bulma>The prom yesterday was great as hell!,I almost kissed Vegeta,but he refused and fled while blushing.Aint that freaking funny?!
Chichi>Oh my gosh,you're progressing,faster then I thought.Good luck girl!
Bulma>Thanks alot.I will see you later ok?
Chichi>See you soon.
(angry) Nobody disrespects me like this,NO ONE!!

 Now I gotta continue my experiences,Let's see... I will mix this substance with this other
what will be the result?!? 
What?!nothing?!how come? 
 (big explosion)Bulma>...nooo,awww(faints) 

 End of chapter 8....

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