Monday, October 8, 2012

Bulma Story - chapter 5

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(yawn)I'ts MORNING already?...I'm sleepy.Ohh,I almost forgot that I have a hard day ahead.First I have to go with Chichi to the boutique, to choose a dress for prom,after that well I will see about asking Vegeta about going together to the prom.

Bulma>Chichi,This dress looks great! I love it ,you have you have good taste 
Chichi>I know right,looks great,and It was me who choosed,I'm sure Vegeta will like it (giggles)
Bulma>I hope so,I didn't even ask him yet,wish me luck...
Chichi>Now you need a new hairstyle,to match...Let's see.... 

Chichi>What about this?
Bulma>Oh Looks great!I am going home for now,thanks for your help Chichi!
Chichi>Okay,See you around.

Oh look it's Vegeta.(smiles)

Hi...?What do you want today woman?what on earth are you doing over here again  

Bulma>Well I am here to greet you,is there a problem?since you were here standing alone in this corner ,I thought you would want someone to come here to you to keep you company(smiles).
Vegeta>(blushes)hmph hell m...must think that I need anyone but I d...don't,so KEEP QUIET woman!!!
Bulma>actually no! I wont shut till I ask you something,I'm not afraid of the answer you will give.
Vegeta>w..what?! what is it...?
Bulma>There is going to be a prom this saturday,and well I don't have anyone to go with,and I'm    
here to ask you if you want to be my pair,like it's nothing very formal,I am not asking you to go on a date or anything,so keep calm.Plus I'm sure you are going to have alot of fun.(smiles)
Vegeta>(blushes)WHAT?!...what about Yamcha?
Bulma>we're not together anymore,we're just friends now,I broke up with him.
Vegeta>B...But why me?uhh...well ok... 

Bulma>Sooo that's a YES!!AWWW thanks alot (hugs)
Vegeta>s..s..stay away woman,stop hugging me, do not get used to asking me these kinda of stuff,I'm just doing this once,and I...I only accepted this because,grrr I actually don't know why...

end of chapter 5....
click here for chapter 4
click here for chapter 3
click here for chapter 2
click here for chapter 1

Thanks for reading.

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